The Silver Night.: Diary Entry 5

Sunday 7 November 2010

Diary Entry 5

To start planning our music video we first needed to complete an initial ideas sketch. This helped us to put all of our ideas down onto paper and we had a discussion about what everyone would like to include within the video. Instead of completing the diagram straight away, we used one of our lessons to discuss our song choice and make sure we are all happy with it, and also to talk about the first ideas that we each had. The next couple of lessons we started on making our diagram, this would show everyone what the plan was for the video, and what we were basing it around. This was a good idea as we would use it later in the project to guide us through it.We also created a moodboard of images that would relate to our music video, this would help us later to design the mise en scene, genre and overall performance of the video. This would be very useful to us when we started our audience research.

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