The Silver Night.: Diary Entry 1

Friday 19 November 2010

Diary Entry 1

This week we were given the time to plan and storyboard our video for the following week where we will be going to Long Benton CLC to film and create our own preliminary music video. For this we made sure that we worked as a group to all put in ideas that we had to make our video as best as we could. We had to decide on what we were going to do with the song as we needed a good storyline. We have decided that we are going to do a comical video as the song choice is very quirky and full of good props we could use to make the video as best. By storyboarding our work it meant that when it came to filming we could see exactly what we were going to film and where, we added the camera angles on so that we could also see what we needed to use for this.
Deciding on roles within the group was pretty easy as we had a good ration within our group. We chose Sam as being the main performer and he was happy with this as the singer is also a boy and can link in well, then we decided that the rest of us all being girls will be in it. This is so that we could all contribute to the developing of the video. We decided that when it came to editing the video we would all do some of the work. We would use a rotation so that we all equally got to edit the video.

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