The Silver Night.: Diary Entry 2

Friday 12 November 2010

Diary Entry 2

This week we went to Long Benton CLC to film our preliminary video task. We completed this using a range of different techniques; we filmed inside outside and in the green screen studio. This is so that we could use this for parts within the song if we didn’t have enough footage. We recorded it twice on the green screen one with only Sam in it and then with all of us in it. This is to show diversity within our performances. The next thing we have to do is to complete the editing of the footage to a high standard; we have a week to complete this and then begin to complete an advert, DVD and DVD cover.
We decided instead of just editing one week that with the rotation to get everything completed that we would do the advert and DVD cover when we aren’t editing, this meant we could get more done than if we just waited until we had completed the editing. This meant that we would be a head of schedule.

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